Time moves so slowly some nights. You've got part of what you want, but that part's not quite good enough. Not on evenings like this... when a minute seems like six. And you'd think, with all this extra time, you would wanna savor some of it. You might want to use some of it for fighting the demons that stand in your way... on a day in which you're smiling and enjoying your life. What do you do when five minutes feel fake, and take you by the hair on the back of your neck... twisting your mind in ways that make circles fit squares? How much of this makes sense?
None of it makes sense, you crazy douche! You're having a bad night, man. Don't crawl up in a ball like a turtle afraid of the dark. You're only alone in your mind. Your mind is the one that puts up the walls. Your life... your life is surrounded with people you love. And some of them might even love you back... if you can stop being a dip shit for long enough. Damn!
Stop being so REASONABLE, man! I'm trying to be poetic. When I'm feeling like a sad clown, I must articulate my feelings in an artistic way. I must be profound. Otherwise people might not take my discomforts seriously. I am an advocate... nay! A SPOKESMAN for the people inside of my circle! I cannot let them down by being... "reasonable". I need to take a chance... touch a nerve. If I don't pack what I write with as much depressing evil shit as I can... they might not think I'm on their side. And that's important because it's all about THEM. If I'm not careful, I'll be more of a self-help writer than a fellow mentally ill person.
Well, what's wrong with that? It's not about them, it's about YOU. Why not be your own favorite self-help author? Nobody else matters but you. If you don't think YOU are important, how can you expect anyone else to feel you're important? Write your OWN way to feeling better.
Yeah! To hell with Wayne Dyer! To hell with Neale Donald Walsch! The Dali Lama? What does HE know?
Well, now you're just being manic. Slow down. I didn't say you shouldn't READ. I didn't say you should stop trying to EDUCATE yourself. Again... how can you educate others if you're not educated enough to teach them anything?
Okay. Okay. You're right. That makes sense. So...
I'm right. That's it. "So" nothing. Read. Learn. Write. Educate. YA GOT THAT?!
Wow, dude! Yeah... you had me at "crazy douche". No need to yell. I'm fragile... and poetic.
Ugh! I'm never allowed to have the last word.